Members of the Lagos Country Club, Ikeja are set to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) today. The meeting which comes up at the Club’s premises is aimed at restoring normalcy in the Club after months of squabbles and internal wrangling.
Earlier in the year when allegations and counter allegations led to several court cases which affected operations of the Club, leading to a chaotic atmosphere. However, following a harmonisation of the cases, in July, a consent judgement was delivered by a Lagos court and signed by aggrieved parties to embrace settlement.
The consent judgement stipulated the formation of a Catetaker Committee to take charge of managing the affairs Club according to the constituition for 90 days. Within that period, it charged that members alleged to have committed infractions face a disciplinary committee, after which the decision of the Caretaker Committee be forwarded to an Extraordinary General Meeting of members which would ratify such decision or not. The consent judgement also ordered that the caretaker committee conduct an election of officers into the Management Council to oversee the day to day running of the club.
While the Caretaker Committee was formed and members alleged of commiting infractions had faced a disciplinary committee, other portions of the consent judgement is yet to be completed by the Caretaker Commitee whose tenure ends by Friday, October 11, 2024.
However, adhering to the Club’s constitution, members took it upon themselves to call for an EGM to discuss how to move forward the prestigous sports and fmilay club which was founded in August 1946.